Wednesday, April 03, 2024 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Community Events * Food Waste

Cooking with Leftovers

Join us for the Cooking with Leftovers event, where special guest presenter Stacey Tigner-Loy from WSU Clark County Extension SNAP-Ed will lead an interactive demonstration that inspires attendees to embrace their culinary creativity and make a positive impact on the environment through mindful purchasing, storing, and cooking.

During this event, we will explore various topics related to conscious consumption, including the importance of meal planning, effective food storage, and creative ways to use leftovers. Stacey will share her innovative approach to cooking with leftovers and how she utilizes creativity to transform leftover ingredients into delicious new meals. We are sure you will be inspired to embrace your culinary creativity and reduce food waste in your kitchen!

Event Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, April 3

Learn more by checking out Stacey’s Cooking with Leftovers Booklet: Cooking with Leftovers Booklet