By Bethanie Collette on Monday, 29 January 2024
Category: Green Neighbors Activities

Celebrate Valentine's Day Sustainably

Valentine's Day is a wonderful opportunity to show appreciation to the people you care about. However, it's important to keep sustainability in mind as you celebrate. The commercialization of Valentine's Day has led to significant environmental impacts, with the increased consumption of chocolates, cards, flowers and stuffed animals.

On Valentine's Day in the United States alone, 36 million heart-shaped boxes, 180 million cards, 198 million roses, 881 thousand bottles of sparkling wine, and 58 million pounds of chocolate are purchased, resulting in carbon emissions equivalent to driving around the world 3,993 times— according to Waste 360.

Fortunately, there are ways to celebrate Valentine's Day more sustainably. Consider making your own card, baking homemade desserts, crafting hand-made candles, or finger-knitting a blanket. Instead of buying pre-cut flowers from the grocery store, head to the Vancouver Farmers Market to get some locally grown, fresh flowers. Save and dry them to re-use for your wrapping or card making next Valentines Day! Additionally, plan zero-waste date ideas like spending time in nature, going ice skating, having a candlelit dinner at home, or enjoying a cozy movie night. By choosing to celebrate sustainably, you can make Valentine's Day special while minimizing your impact on the environment. 

Whether you plan on buying gifts for your significant other, children, parents, friends, coworkers, or pets, treating yourself to something special, or even purchasing an "anti-Valentine's Day" gift, consider these ideas that cut down on waste:

By embracing sustainable practices and making conscious choices, you can celebrate Valentine's Day while reducing waste and minimizing your environmental impact. If you receive Valentines items you plan to toss, head to Recycling A-Z and look up how to properly dispose of them.

Recycling A–Z

Join Clark County Green Neighbors in breaking holiday waste cycles while making fun, new traditions this year!