By Camille Shelton on Thursday, 20 March 2025
Category: Green Neighbors Activities

Join us to celebrate Food Waste Prevention Week, April 7-13

Clark County is committed to reducing food waste. On March 18th, the  Clark County Council officially proclaimed support for Food Waste Prevention week and joined the global movement to raise awareness during the week of April 7-13.

Clark County Green Neighbors is joining more than 700 organizations across the world to support Food Waste Prevention Week. The weeklong awareness campaign aims to inspire cultural changes that reduce food waste at home, work and in communities.

Up to 38% of all food produced in the United States goes uneaten, causing significant economic, environmental, and social repercussions.

Reducing wasted food:

Celebrate Food Waste Prevention Week with Clark County Green Neighbors and learn more about how to save money on groceries and reduce climate impacts at the following events:​

Food Waste Prevention Trivia Night 

Tuesday, April 8, 7-9pm at Fortside Brewing, 2200 NE Andresen Road, Vancouver.

Test your food waste knowledge and win prizes. Free to play. Hosted by 5Star Trivia.

Advanced registration is recommended.

Scrappy Cooking Workshop 

Wednesday, April 9, 6-7:30pm at Cascade Park Community Library, 600 NE 136thAve., Vancouver.
Learn how to save money and prevent food waste by getting creative cooking with leftovers. WSU Clark County Extension will provide education and a live cooking demonstration. 

Participants will be eligible to receive free food waste prevention resources and materials. 

Advanced registration is recommended.