Clark County Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach programs (Clark County Green Business, Clark County Green Schools, Clark County Green Neighbors, and Master Composter Recyclers) annually host AmeriCorps service members for 10 1/2 month terms through the Washington Service Corps.

Two new AmeriCorps members are joining the team, and will be serving with Green Neighbors for the next year! We asked Jacob Ahrens-Balwit and Callie Mobley a few questions so that you could get to know them better. Be sure to say hi to them at the next Green Neighbors event! 

Callie and Jacob attending the Washington Service Corps regional training

Callie Mobley

Where are you from?

I am from Clay County, Kentucky. We are famous for beautiful mountain views and our many historic swinging bridges.

What projects will you be working on for Green Neighbors?

I will be working on environmental outreach. This will include things like the gardens at Pacific Park, the Recycled Arts Festival, the Natural Garden Tour, and lots of other events throughout the year.

What aspect of serving with Green Neighbors are you most excited about?

I am excited to learn about the process of doing environmental projects through local government and to get to know more people in Clark County.

What's your favorite animal?

The Okapi. It's from central Africa and looks like a Zebra, Giraffe, and Hyena mixed together. Seriously, Google it.

Where in Clark County are you excited about exploring?

I love history so I'm excited for any and all historical sites. I'm also looking forward to trying all of the local restaurants.

Clark County 2019-20 AmeriCorps members

Jacob Ahrens-Balwit

Where are you from?

I am from the pearl of the Midwest, beautiful Madison Wisconsin. Fun fact: Madison and Seattle are the only two major US cities built on Isthmuses.​

What aspect of serving with Green Neighbors are you most excited about?

I'm most excited about getting to help organize the Recycled Arts Festival, I can't wait to contribute to this impactful community event in logistical and creative ways. I'm also really excited about developing some new outreach tools for multifamily residence recycling programs, I love working with film and photos so keep an eye out! ​

What projects will you be working on for Green Neighbors?

I'll be working on recycling outreach for the Green Neighbors program so developing communication resources for recycling education, helping organize Green Neighbor events, and getting dirty with some compost training!​

What's your favorite animal?

It's so hard to choose a favorite animal when there are so many amazing creatures to choose from, but I think mountain goats are pretty awesome…also the messenger pigeon is a personal favorite... and the river otter has a special place in my heart… I really like cranes too.

Where in Clark County are you excited about exploring?

I'm excited to check out the local mountain biking and hiking trails, some of the wineries and museums in the area, and I'm also really excited to check out the surrounding lakes, get on the water and get a rainbow trout on the line! ​