The Green Neighbors team is always working to keep the community safe! Today, we're here to chat about something you might not think about every day: nicotine vape disposal, which can cause big problems if not disposed of correctly!

Did you know that nicotine vapes contain batteries that can explode when placed in the garbage or recycling? Batteries are the number one cause of fires at our transfer stations. Battery fires can cause serious harm to sanitation workers and damage costly equipment at Clark County transfer stations. Additionally, the liquid nicotine in these vapes is highly toxic and can cause serious harm if ingested, especially to children and others unaware of its dangers.

Read on to learn about some of the disposal options available to you to ensure that we keep nicotine vapes out of the trash and recycling and avoid the hazards of improper vape disposal.

No-cost nicotine vape disposal options in Clark County:

Battery only (if it can be safely removed):
Empty e-liquid cartridge, tank, bottle, or vial (NO BATTERIES):
  • Garbage ONLY. Do not put these items in the recycling. 
Device without battery:
  • HHW facilities (quantity limited to 1 gallon per drop-off)
  • Annual DEA Drug-Take-Back Events on the last Saturday of April and October

Not accepted at these locations:

  • Vapes from businesses, schools, government agencies, and non-profit organizations must be managed as Business Dangerous Waste and are not accepted at our residential drop-off locations. Learn more here.
  • Vapes containing cannabis can only be disposed of by sites authorized to handle controlled substances, such as pharmacies and police departments. Cannabis is a controlled substance regulated in Washington as a dangerous pharmaceutical waste. Learn more here.
  • Keep in mind that vaping and e-cigarette devices can be either refillable or disposable, and proper disposal will vary based on type.

Questions about other disposal options for battery-containing items? 

Download the RecycleRight app, head to, or contact