Would you like to attract mason bees into your backyard? This presentation by WSU Clark County
Extension Master Gardener Anne Bulger will prepare you to host these non-aggressive native bees with
research-based information about their life cycle and habitat and how you can provide the perfect home
for them on your property. An added bonus? Learn about our mid-late season native bee pollinators,
the innocent Leafcutter bee! Feb. 25 from 6pm to 7:30.
Zoom link Advanced registration at
https://wsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIod-2uqjkvH9RTDzvgjAmIJNk7eaABQghV. (Please note: you
must have a (free) Zoom account in order to attend.) For more information: (564) 397-5738 or
Erika.d.johnson@wsu.edu. Visit us online at https://extension.wsu.edu/clark/community-
Ann Bulger