Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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The recycle cart is for a mix of recyclable materials. Accepted plastic, paper and metal are collected together and then separated at the Material Recovery Facility. Multifamily complexes may have a blue container in place of a cart. 

Contaminants, in the form of either unrecyclable materials or food residue, can result in an entire load being sent to the landfill. When in doubt, throw it out — or better yet, look up the item in question using the Recycling A-Z Directory!

  • NO plastic bags, glass or batteries inside the cart.
  • Place glass in a separate glass bin. Do not place glass inside of the recycle cart.
  • All items must be empty, clean and dry to be accepted as recycling.

Read more

big blue article

Latest Waste Connections Newsletter and Recycle Guide


  • baled plastic

    Bottles – rinse
  • Plastic tubs – rinse, discard lids in garbage
  • Plastic buckets – 5 gallons or less, rinse if needed
  • Nursery pots (1 gallon or larger) – clean

Paper & cardboard:

  • paper recycling at transfer stationNewspaper, magazines, junk mail, paper bags, cereal boxes, boxes, writing and printing paper.
  • Cartons (i.e. soy milk and soup boxes) – rinse
  • Cardboard – remove tape, flatten and cut down to fit inside cart


  • baled metalAerosol cans – MUST be empty to recycle, discard lids in garbage
  • Aluminum and tin cans – rinse
  • Scrap metal – less than 35 pounds, no larger than 24 inches in any dimension, remove any attached plastic, rubber, or wood. NO automotive parts.
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