Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Green Blog

News about our community as it relates to the environment

Protect people and planet with proper disposal of medications

Have expired or unused medications at home? It's important that you properly dispose of medications and prevent them from accumulating in your home, if you no longer need them. Unwanted medications at the back of your medicine cabinet do more than take up space, they account for the source of drugs misused by teens and adults more than any other so...

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  2222 Hits

Shredded paper a.k.a. transfer station confetti

Please do not put shredded paper in your curbside bin! Tax season is here, which may mean that you're digging through papers you've accumulated and finding a lot that you're ready to toss. When disposing of papers containing sensitive and personally identifying information, many people think they're doing the "right thing" by shredding their docume...

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  4640 Hits

Resilient Recycler: six things you're recycling wrong (& how to do it right)

There's an easy way to find out if an item can be recycled in your curbside cart: go to the Recycling A-Z Directory or download the RecycleRight app (on the Apple App Store and Google Play store), where you can search for hundreds of products and how to properly dispose of them. Know before you throw! Putting items in your bin that are not acc...

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  3874 Hits

Be prepared when weather cancels your waste service

Did your garbage, recycling, or yard debris service get cancelled during the recent winter weather? Here's how to be in the know and prepared for when weather delays or cancels your service! While Clark County may not have received as much snow as expected over the last couple of weeks, it was just enough to cause cancellations and delays in garbag...

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  1748 Hits

Resilient Recycler: New Paint Take-back Locations in Clark County!

Paint. It seems like you either have too much, or not enough. If you have left over paint in cans that are taking up space and collecting dust, we have good news for you. The number of locations in Clark County that are accepting paint for takeback has just increased! Paint is a household hazardous waste (HHW) which means it requires extra care whe...

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  1958 Hits