Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Green Blog

News about our community as it relates to the environment

2025 Watershed Alliance Film Series


The Watershed Alliance Environmental Film Series is back in 2025! Check out this year's stunning lineup of films that dive deep into the world's most pressing ecological and environmental justice issues.

These no cost events are hosted by the Watershed Alliance and co-sponsored by Clark County Green Neighbors, PeaceHealth, and the Vancouver Community Library.

Each event runs 5-7 pm, but doors open at 4:30 pm. Join us at the Vancouver Community Library, 901 C Street. There will be pizza including gluten friendly/Vegan options! 

Please be sure to register in advance of each film (registration links for each film can be found below.) 

1/28: Farming While Black

Leah Penniman, co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, reflects on the plight of Black farmers in the United States. From the height of Black-owned farms at 14% in 1910 to less than 2% today. Leah and her Soul Fire Farm cohorts help propel a rising generation finding strength in the deep historical knowledge of African agrarianism – and its potential to save the planet.

2/25: Palm Oil in the Land of the Orangutans

In Southeast Asia, an unusual collaboration between Copenhagen Zoo and the partially Danish-owned United Plantations (UP) is underway to create a more sustainable production of palm oil. Solutions are sought in nature itself. Instead of using chemical pesticides against pests, leopard cats, black cobras, and owls are deployed to kill rats. In laboratories, 'beneficial' insects are cultivated to control outbreaks of harmful insects. Additionally, corridors of rainforest are planted between the palms, providing wild animals with space to live and move from one place to another. However, the question remains: Is there a sustainable balance between economy and ecology?

3/25: Native Seeds: Supplying Restoration

Native Seeds: Supplying Restoration is a nine-part video series that explores the native seed supply chain in the western United States. Filmed over four seasons, this series weaves together footage of seed collectors, farmers, researchers, and land managers working to scale up the supply of native seeds to meet the growing restoration demand. We see the staggering scale of damage to vast landscapes and meet tenacious people who are finding creative, scrappy solutions to restore ecosystems.

4/22: Water for Life

Water For Life tells the story of three extraordinary individuals: Berta Cáceres, a leader of the Lenca people in Honduras; Francisco Pineda, a subsistence farmer in El Salvador; and Alberto Curamil, an Indigenous Mapuche leader in Chile, all of whom refused to let government supported industry and transnational corporations take their water and redirect it to mining, hydroelectric projects or large scale agriculture. Despite reassurances from companies and the authorities, they knew what lay ahead: contaminated water, environmental devastation, and the destruction of their communities.

It is a story of courage and determination, betrayal and corruption, death threats and murder, and of unexpected victories in the countryside and in the courts. It is a story that asks how economic development can grow in harmony with environmental protections. Above all, Water For Life illuminates a growing recognition of Indigenous rights and a rising demand for corporate responsibility and environmental justice that's being seen around the world. It is a story that begins and ends with water.

"Agua para la Vida" (Water For Life) cuenta la historia de tres personas extraordinarias: Berta Cáceres, líder del pueblo Lenca en Honduras; Francisco Pineda, agricultor de subsistencia en El Salvador; y Alberto Curamil, líder indígena Mapuche en Chile, todos ellos se opusieron a que industrias apoyadas por el gobierno y corporaciones transnacionales tomaran su agua y la redirigieran a la minería, proyectos hidroeléctricos o agricultura a gran escala. A pesar de todas las garantías de las empresas y las autoridades, ellos sabían lo que realmente les esperaba: agua contaminada, devastación ambiental y la destrucción de sus comunidades.

Esta es una historia de coraje y determinación, traición y corrupción, amenazas de muerte y asesinato, y de victorias inesperadas en el campo y en los tribunales. Es una historia que plantea la cuestión de cómo el desarrollo económico puede crecer en armonía con la protección ambiental. Lo mejor es que"Agua para la Vida" (Water For Life) arroja luz sobre el creciente reconocimiento de los derechos indígenas y una creciente demanda de responsabilidad corporativa y justicia ambiental que se está viendo en todo el mundo. Es una historia que comienza y termina con el agua.

5/27: Burned: Are Trees the New Coal?

Burned: Are Trees the New Coal? tells the little-known story of the accelerating destruction of our forests for fuel, and probes the policy loopholes, huge subsidies, and blatant green washing of the burgeoning biomass power industry. The film follows a dedicated group of forest activists, ecologists, carbon scientists, and concerned citizens who are fighting to establish the enormous value of our forests, protect their communities, debunk this false solution to climate change, and alter energy policy both in the US and abroad.

6/24: Atomic Bamboozle

Atomic Bamboozle, follows anti-nuclear activists, tribal leaders, scientists and attorneys as they draw lessons from the decades-long campaign to shut down the Trojan Nuclear Power plant in Oregon and extend those lessons into a new struggle to stop small modular reactors (SMRs) from being built in the Pacific Northwest. The documentary follows activists as they expose the true costs of these small nuclear reactor designs that have been opposed by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) as well as by several other environmental groups.
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