By Camille Shelton on Monday, 30 October 2023
Category: Green Neighbors Activities

Sustainable Halloween Tips: Composting Pumpkins in Clark County

Are you wondering what to do with your leftover pumpkins after Halloween? Instead of throwing them away, compost them to reduce food waste and create nutrient-rich soil!

In Clark County, residents can place pumpkins in yard debris carts for composting. By composting pumpkins, you divert organic material from landfills and contribute to building a more sustainable and eco-friendly community in Clark County.

The Environmental Impact of Pumpkin Waste

Did you know that after Halloween about 60% of purchased pumpkins end up in landfills? When organic materials like pumpkins decompose in landfills, they produce methane gas, a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. By composting pumpkins, you create a controlled environment for decomposition, allowing beneficial microorganisms to break the pumpkins down into nutrient-rich compost.

Other Ways to Utilize Leftover Pumpkins

If composting pumpkins in your yard debris cart is not an option, there are alternative ways to utilize leftover pumpkins:

By responsibly composting or utilizing your pumpkins, you not only reduce waste but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious Clark County. Let's make the most of our pumpkins and create a greener future for our community! 

For more information and resources on sustainable Halloween practices, you can visit the Clark Green Schools website.

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