Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Green Blog

News about our community as it relates to the environment

Let's Get Thrifty for the Holidays!

The holidays are fast approaching, and you may be thinking about gifts for your friends and family. Lucky for you, we've updated our thrift/consignment shop and donation map on the Clark County Green Neighbors website. Throughout the county, there are several affordable options to choose from.  Why Are Thrift, Vintage and Consignment ...

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Hearts A Flutter for a Thoughtful and Low Waste Valentine's Day


You may not need Valentine's Day to show your love to family, friends, pets and all, but if you do celebrate you are not alone. The National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates V-Day spending to reach $23.9 billion this year, up from $21.8 billion last year, which also makes it the second-highest year on record. Whether you celebrate love year-r...

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Green Gifts Make the Holidays Happier

green gifts make the holidays happier

You're making your list and checking it twice, finding thoughtful green gifts is, oh, so nice! This holiday season, as we ponder the best ways to demonstrate that we care for the people in our lives, we can extend this care to our community and the earth by making more ethical consumer decisions. While advertisements may try to convince us that our...

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Put Your Extra Cardboard Boxes to Good Use!


Shipping Boxes Galore! Most of us do some amount of online shopping these days, and some of us do a whole lot. The most sustainable practice is to reduce the amount of shopping you do, and the most sustainable way you can shop is to buy durable products that are locally produced and sold. However, if you are going to shop online there are some...

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Giving Green Gifts

Green gifts are presents that require fewer resources and result in less waste than conventional mass-produced items. They can be bought new items, repurposed old items or old items made new through the magic of recycling. Get an early start on your new year's resolutions and pledge to give green this season with a little help from Green Neighbors....

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