Cesar Chavez Day of Service Event
Cesar Chavez Day Service Event at Pacific Park Natural Demo Garden – April 1
Join WSU Clark County Master Gardeners and people from across the county and around the world for a day of community service in honor of Cesar Chavez. Chavez was a civil rights, Latino and farm labor leader; a community organizer and social entrepreneur; a champion of militant nonviolent social change; and a crusader for the environment and consumer rights. Help spiff up the Natural Demonstration Garden at Pacific Park on Tuesday, April 1 from 10am to 12noon. Tasks will include winter clean up, weeding, pruning and whatever else is needed. Dress for the weather. Bring water. Tools provided. Please register in advance here. The park is located at 1515 NE 164th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98684. HOWEVER, you will want to enter the property from the entrance located off NE 172nd. That puts you at the NE corner of the park where the demonstration garden is.
Contact: Erika.d.johnson@wsu.edu / 564-397-5738. Visit us online at https://extension.wsu.edu/clark/community-education/workshops-events/. Put on in partnership with Clark County Public Health Green Neighbors Program.