Camellia 'Minato-no-Akebono'
- Scientific Name: Camellia x lutchuensis
- Garden: Dog Friendly Garden
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Deciduous
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, well-drained
Plant Information
This lovely winter blooming Camellia hybrid includes the fragrant species C. lutchuensis and has simple HIGHLY perfumed pink flowers. The 4″ open single flowers have fluted petals that are medium pink with darker pink stains at the petal tips. Fast growing shrub that shows excellent hybrid vigor. Glossy evergreen leaves are perfect year-round. Open branching pattern features the clusters of cinnamon scented flowers from December to March. To 9′ tall and 4′ wide in 8 years. Full sun to quite a bit of shade in rich to average well drained soil. Consistent summer moisture ensures superior flower bud set. Elegant Camellia that will perfume a wide part of the garden. Mine is visited by happy hummingbirds in winter. Open growing shrub.
Biome: Dry Shade, Oregon Coast
USDA Hardiness zone: Zn7a 5º to 0ºF
Foliage color: Dark Green
Foliage season: Evergreen
Data Source
http://www.xeraplants.comPlant Photos