Chinese Elm
- Scientific Name: Ulmus parvifolia
- Garden: Rain Garden
- Plant Type: Tree
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Deciduous
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, Well-Drained
Plant Information
Grow in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerant of light shade. Prefers rich, moist loams. Adapts to a variety of different soils and tolerates both wet and dry sites. Generally tolerant of urban conditions.
Noteworthy Characteristics
Ulmus parvifolia, commonly called Chinese elm or lacebark elm, is a medium-sized deciduous tree with a rounded crown and long pendulous branching. It is native to China, Korea and Japan. It is noted for its excellent foliage, multi-colored bark, rapid growth and good resistance to Dutch elm disease. Insignificant, small, reddish-green flowers appear in late summer. Flowers give way to single-seeded wafer-like samaras (each tiny seed is surrounded by a flattened circular papery wing) that mature in fall. Elliptic to ovate, shiny dark green leaves (to 3” long) have small teeth. Leaves typically turn an undistinguished dull yellow in fall, but sometimes produce more interesting yellows or reddish-purples. One of the most ornamental features of this tree is its mottled bark. On mature trees, bark flakes to reveal patches of gray, cream, orange, brown and green.
‘Seiju’is a dwarf cultivar that is primarily used for rock gardens and bonsai. It is a sport of Ulmus parvifolia ‘Hokkaido that features slightly larger leaves and a faster growth rate. Over time it may reach 10’ tall. Bark becomes corky with age.
Data Source
https://www.missouribotanicalgarden.orgPlant Photos