- Scientific Name: Epimedium
- Garden: Dog Friendly Garden
- Plant Type: Ground Cover
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, well-drained
Plant Information
Durable describes the Epimedium's ability to tie the shade garden together in some of the most difficult of garden conditions. Especially since they are one of the few evergreen ground covers that can thrive successfully in dry shade! They can grow in partial to full shade with shallow rhizomes that make them perfect for under trees, rhododendrons, and camellias.
Generally, these tough plants prefer a cool woodland situation under deciduous trees. Watering is always necessary through the first season to help them get established. Please refer to species listing below for drought tolerance. Furthermore, many species can with stand temperatures down to -10˚F (they grow in Maine!) As always check individual species listings for zone ratings.
Epimediums are deer resistant and easy low care. To get them off to a good start, amend the top 4-8” of soil with compost (the ratio is 2/3 soil, 1/3 compost.) Add some all-purpose or transplanting fertilizer in the bottom of the hole. Keep plants moist through their first season so they can establish. They are best planted in spring, fall or in the cooler parts of an early summer day. Epimediums do not thrive in hot sun. So, position them in partial to dappled shade. They can grow in deep shade but will bear sporadic blooms. Hostas, ferns, Narcissus and mondo grass all pair well with Epimedium.
Culture: Epimediums grow in morning sun to light shade. They thrive in moist well drained soil and tolerate drought when established. Long lived perennials perfect for ground covers or along borders. Zones 5-10 depending on species.
Pests & Diseases: Virtually pest and disease free! Root weevils may cause minor leaf notching. Root rot could kill a plant if it is not in a well-drained area.
Maintenance: Cut foliage back in early spring to keep it fresh and show off the flowers. Fertilize after blooming with an all-purpose fertilizer. Water through the first season to establish.
Additional qualities: Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. Deep shade tolerant.
Propagation: Divide in late winter.
Data Source
http://www.portlandnursery.comPlant Photos