Euphorbia 'Silver Spurge'
- Scientific Name: Euphorbia rigida 'Silver Spurge'
- Garden: Beneficial Insects and Compost Garden
- Plant Type: Herbaceous Perennials
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun
- Moisture Requirements: Dry
Plant Information
One of the most dramatic plants for your garden, Euphorbia offer a diversity of height, form, color and habit. The genus is expansive, including more than 2,000 species of herbaceous perennials, annuals, biennials, as well as evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees. There are many varieties perennial here in the Pacific Northwest. As winter turns to spring, perennial Euphorbias start the show with a wow of blooms. Fluffy spires of chartreuse, apple green, cream or gold touched with red punctuate the land scape well into May. As the evergreen Euphorbias begin to fade, Euphorbia 'Excalibur' burst into color with its vibrant foliage and golden blooms. Spurges come in a variety of sizes ranging from the 4-5' E. characais 'Wulfenii' to the 12-18" groundcover E. polychroma. These versatile perennials can be used as a specimen plant, in borders, containers, mass plantings and rock gardens. Their mostly evergreen nature and drought tolerance make them particularly useful for hot, dry areas. It is important to note, Euphorbias ooze a white sap when cut or broken. This sap is toxic to the skin and eyes. It is important to wear gloves when working with Euphorbia. Since Euphorbia are toxic when ingested, they are deer resistant. Euphorbias are valued for their whorled leaves, with colors ranging from bluish-green to variegated green colors all the way to dark bronze-purple. Typical perennial Euphorbia require a sunny location with well-drained soil that is protected from frost and wind. The Pacific Northwest, having been compared to a Mediterranean climate because of the dry summers, is a great place to grow Euphorbia. They combine nicely with sedums, ornamental grasses, Verbena and Gaillardia. Worth noting is that some kinds of Euphorbia prolifically self-seed. Euphorbia myrsinites (donkey tail spurge) reseeds so severely it is on the Oregon noxious weed list, thereby carried at Oregon nurseries. Euphorbia rigida Distinctive pointed, blue evergreen foliage Apple green blooms March to May. Grows 18-24" tall and wide with a relaxed, sweeping habit. Zone 8.
Data Source
portlandnursery.comPlant Photos