- Scientific Name: Garrya x issaquahensis ‘Glasnevin Wine’
- Garden: Natives Garden
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Dry
Plant Information
Large exceptional evergreen shrub that is a hybrid selection between two native west coast species. To 12′ tall and nearly as wide the merlot red stems support wavy deep green leaves. From December to April 3″ long wine red tassels are graceful and showy. Fast growing shrub for average to rich well drained sites in full sun to high overhead shade. Little water when established. Slightly hardier to cold than G. elliptical ‘James Roof’. Great low water hardy fast screening shrub. Easy to grow. Give it space to fill out. Prune AFTER flowering has ended in spring if needed. Appreciates good air circulation. An open exposure or this is also is a great plant for the high dry shade of native Oaks. Oregon native plant
Biomes/Growing conditions: Deer Resistance, Dry Shade, Hot Aspects, Low Water/No Water, Oregon Coast, Western Native
Sun exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade, Shade
USDA Hardiness zone: Zn7a 5º to 0ºF
Foliage color: Dark Green
Foliage season: Evergreen
Data Source
www.xeraplants.comPlant Photos