Golden Spanish Fir 'Aurea'
- Scientific Name: Abies pinsapo 'Aurea'
- Garden: Wildlife Garden
- Plant Type: Tree
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, well-drained
Plant Information
In the ornamental trade Golden Spanish Fir is a collector’s prize, known for its attractive, yellow needles that are rigid and tapered. The needles appear to be frosted with buttercream. Also known as Aurea Spanish Fir
Morphology: This is smaller garden conifer that grows to 25’ at maturity with a conical shape. At best it will only put on 6” of new growth per year. The needles radiate out around the branches in a most prominent fashion. They are blunt and yellow in color. Beautiful raspberry colored buds are borne in spring. Cones are cylindrical, yellow to green before ripening to brown and releasing seeds.
Adaptation: This fir variant performs best when given partial shade, ample water and a well drained soil. Select a site with afternoon shade so that the needles don’t become sun bleached. As with other true firs this one prefers an acidic soil.
Pests: None reported.
Data Source
www.pnwplants.wsu.eduPlant Photos