Red Huckleberry
- Scientific Name: Vaccinium parvifolium
- Garden: Edibles and Herbs Garden
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Deciduous
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, Well-Drained
Plant Information
When Europeans first came upon the Pacific Northwest, they found that the coastal Indian tribes foraged for the red waxy fruit of the Red Huckleberry. Though they are sour when eaten fresh, the berries can be preserved in jams and jellies. Also known as the Red Whortleberry. Morphology: This deciduous native shrub can attain a height of up to 10’ and half as wide. It bears alternate very thin leaves which are .5"-1.5’ long and elliptical in shape. Leaves are green on the upper surfaces and paler beneath. The foliage is borne on branches which are green and distinctively angled. The branches have a notable broom-like branching habit. Flowers are borne in a solitary fashion in the axils of the lowest leaves of the youngest shoots. The flowers resemble those of cultivated blueberries. They are pale and waxy. Flowers give rise to red globose berries which are slightly over one fourth inch in diameter. Adaptation: Red Huckleberry can be found from Alaska to California on both sides of the Cascades but is much more common on the west side. It prefers moist woods from sea level to mid-elevations in the mountains. It does well where the soil is acidic. It thrives on full shade to partial shade. In a forest it's often found growing out of rotting stumps with salal. Pests: None reported.
Data Source
www.pnwplants.wsu.eduPlant Photos