Japanese Pittosporum 'Tall and Tough'
- Scientific Name: Pittosporum tobira 'Tall and Tough'
- Garden: Xeriscaping Garden
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun or Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Dry
Plant Information
Seed from the northern extent of its natural range in Korea has yielded this cold hardy tough and wonderful evergreen shrub. AKA evergreen mock orange this dense growing shrub displays white then yellow small flowers in May and June with the pervasive sweet fragrance of citrus blossoms. Incredibly drought tolerant and moderately fast growing. It also tolerates regular irrigation. To 8′ x 8′ in 6 years. Fully one zone hardier to cold than the species form typically seen in our gardens. Formal looking shrub that was more popular in the mid-20th century. Deep green matte foliage has leaves curled under at the sides. Prune if needed AFTER flowering has ended in late spring- blooms on wood from the previous year. Always handsome foliage is used as cut material- it remains good looking for weeks in a vase or even as a wreath. Long lived, somewhat formal, easy shrub. Plant type: Shrub | Sun exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade Biome: Hot Aspects, Low Water/No Water, Oregon Coast Foliage color: Dark Green | Foliage season: Evergreen
Data Source
www.xeraplants.comPlant Photos