Lingonberry 'Koralle'
- Scientific Name: Vaccinium vitis-idaea 'Koralle'
- Garden: Edibles and Herbs Garden
- Plant Type: Ground Cover
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun or Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, Well-Drained
Plant Information
Even though it is native to the Arctic tundra, Lingonberry does grow in the temperate Pacific Northwest. Morphology: This is a Northwest native evergreen groundcover that can grow to 16” in height, spreading out by underground rhizomes to form a dense mat. The flowers are bell-shaped, white to pale pink and approximately 1/3 “ long. Flowers form primarily durng the early summer, but some will still appear into the fall. Flowers give rise to fruit which are relatively small (slightly less than ½” across). The fruit is bright red to dark red, strong flavored and tart berries. They are nutritious and rich in antioxidants, anthocyanins and flavonoids. Adaptation: Lingonberries are well suited to cooler climates and can be expected to do well in regions where blueberries and cranberries are productive. They do prefer acidic sites. Pests: None reported. Koralle Lingonberry was developed in Germany and first released in Holland. Its small, glossy, evergreen leaves take on a mahogany hue during the winter months. Near white to pink flowers bloom spring to fall, followed by bright red, edible berries. Originally developed as an ornamental ground cover, then later cultivated for its fruit. Now a popular Dutch cultivar making up almost all of European Production. Koralle Lingonberry is a super-hardy and very popular in Scandinavia and Northern Europe. Tart tasty lingonberries can be eaten fresh and really excel in preserves, jams, jellies, syrup and wine. It is also resistant to deer and rabbits, making it an excellent choice for use in borders, mixed containers, or as groundcover. Site and Soil: Koralle Lingonberry likes 1/2 day to full with filtered shade in hot region and moist acidic, well-drained soil Pollination Requirements: Koralle Lingonberry is self-fertile but plant with Red Pearl for cross pollination and better crops. Hardiness: hardy to -45° F. Bearing Age: Our plants are of bearing age at time of sale Size at Maturity: 12″ tall and forms a great ground-cover Bloom Time: summer and throughout fall Ripening Time: Fall Yield: 10 lbs. of fruit per square yard of row
Data Source
www.pnwplants.wsu.eduPlant Photos