Manzanita 'Anchor Bay'
- Scientific Name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Anchor Bay'
- Garden: Xeriscaping Garden
- Plant Type: Ground Cover
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun or Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Dry
Plant Information
Evergreen ground cover, 6-12+ inches (15-30 cm), branches root where they touch the soil, mat-forming. Exfoliating bark on older stems. Leaves alternate, simple, obovate-oblong, 0.5-3.5 cm long, displayed evenly on stem, lustrous dark green above, lighter below, margins have a fringe of minute hairs (ciliate), one obvious bundle trace in the leaf scar. Flowers, perfect, white-tinged pink, urn-shaped, in terminal nodding racemes. Fleshy fruit (drupe), bright red, 6 mm diam.; may not set fruit. Sun or partial shade. Difficult to transplant. Does best in poor, sandy, infertile, acid soils. There are reports that it grows well on limestone rock. Good salt tolerance.
Data Source
www.landscapeplants.oregonstate.eduPlant Photos