Sedum 'Lime Twister'
- Scientific Name: Sedum sunsparkler 'Lime Twister'
- Garden: Xeriscaping Garden
- Plant Type: Herbaceous Perennial
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun or Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, Well-Drained
Plant Information
Native Range: Depending on species, native Sedum can be found at the coast, from low elevation to alpine, both sides of the Cascades. There are approximately fourteen species native to the northwestern region. Characteristics: Low-growing, often mat-forming, fleshy thick small leaves, either broad or narrow, common to groundcover sedums. Flowers are clusters of bright yellow stars held above the foliage. Culture: Not all Sedums require full sun and dry conditions, but that being said, they all require some sun and good drainage in order to thrive. Pests/Diseases: In general, Sedum are relatively pest and disease-free. They are only prone to some fungal diseases if not given proper drainage. Varieties in the demonstration garden include Blue Elf, Blue Pearl, Baby Tears, Coca Cola, Lime Twister and Orpine among others.
Data Source
www.portlandnursery.comPlant Photos