Viburnum Doublefile
- Scientific Name: Viburnum plicatum
- Garden: Lawn Alternatives Garden
- Plant Type: Shrub
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Full Sun or Part Shade
- Moisture Requirements: Moist, Well-Drained
Plant Information
Characteristics: Over 150 species of shrubs and small trees. Flowers are sometimes fragrant, sometimes stinky or without scent. Pink or white flowers in clusters (umbrella shape, snowball shape, lacecap shape) bloom from mid-winter into June. Blue, red, white or yellow fruits occur in autumn, adding another season of interest & feeding birds at the same time. Leaves are evergreen or deciduous, opposite & occasionally in whorls of 3, lance-shaped, maple shaped, heart-shaped or round, with straight, undulating or serrated edges. Many deciduous viburnums have pretty red, orange or purple fall color. It’s a huge group of plants with a lot of variety! Size: Size varies by species and cultivar. Smallest are 2-3’ at maturity. Many grow to 10-15’. Culture: Varies by species — most prefer sun-part shade. Many adapt to differing soil types but prefer clay soils to be amended to assist with drainage issues. Cold tolerance varies. Less hardy types grow best if shielded from cold wind in winter. Problems: Powdery mildew is the most common problem for Viburnum. Tips for avoiding it: Air circulation — don’t over crowd plants, allow for air circulation. Cleaning — remove the worst of the leaves & rake up fallen leaves in autumn. Mulch — adding mulch twice a year covers spores that may be lingering on the soil surface, increases air circulation in the soil as particles break down, and helps to keep soil moisture even.
Data Source
www.portlandnursery.comPlant Photos