Vine Maple 'Burgundy Jewel'
- Scientific Name: Acer circinatum 'Burgundy Jewel'
- Garden: Natives Garden
- Plant Type: Tree
- Evergreen/Deciduous: Deciduous
- Sun/Shade Exposure: Average to Dry
- Moisture Requirements: Dry
Plant Information
Vine Maple is perhaps our most beautiful native maple. Found from SW British Columbia to Northern California in the Shasta area. It’s a pervasive understory tree throughout the western part of the state. It derives its name from its almost vine like habit in shade. This winding and sun seeking component leads to the most graceful natural forms. In full sun it is a compact, multi-trunked shrub. In autumn in both habitats, it turns to shades of fiery orange and yellow and red. Vivid against the pure green trunks and stems. One of the most dramatic places you will see this shrub is at 4500′ on Belknap crater on McKenzie Pass where it lives among the lava. In early fall the brilliant colors of the maples contrasts wonderfully with the black lava. It’s very hot and very dry but it’s also very high in elevation. The symmetrically serrated round leaves rival any Japanese maple. In shade established trees get by with little summer water. In the sun irrigation is welcome. Rich to average soil with regular applications of mulch. To 16′ tall in shade and again quite a bit shorter in full sun- very wide in shade. Avoid the reflected heat of south facing walls. This shrub/tree belongs on the north side or under substantial shade. Some deer resistance. Excellent underplanted with native ferns and Gaultheria. A common native that should be a more common ornamental. Tiny red flowers turn into sunny orange samaras by autumn and persist past the leaves. Avoid very dry shade of un-irrigated over hangs. This is a semi-mesic maple. Oregon native plant
Biome: Dry Shade, Low Water/No Water, Mesic, Oregon Coast, Western Native, Willamette Valley Natives
USDA Hardiness zone: Zn5b -10º to -15ºF
Foliage color: Light Green
Foliage season: Winter Deciduous
Data Source
www.xeraplants.comPlant Photos