Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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News about our community as it relates to the environment

Apply to be a Green Neighbors AmeriCorps Member!

Apply to be a Green Neighbors AmeriCorps Member! Bee pollinating purple flowers. Photo by Shannon Hunter.

Clark County Green Neighbors is seeking AmeriCorps applicants! Serving as an AmeriCorps member this past year was an accessible way for me to gain environmental work experience. I have had the opportunity to grow professionally as a Clark County Solid Waste Environmental Outreach team member conducting waste reduction outreach to residents. Check out what I got to do during my service year and get an idea of what you could do through this position!

2020-2021 Green Neighbors AmeriCorps member, Shannon Hunter, pulling weeds at the demonstration garden at Pacific Community Park. Photo by Marissa Porcellini.
Some accomplishments as this year's Green Neighbors AmeriCorps member:
  • Coordinated a three-week residential waste reduction competition, called WasteBusters, involving pledges, weekly challenges, and 3 virtual speaking events for over 140 county residents that received press coverage. 
  • Collaborated with a team to create 2 video series (Natural Garden Tour & Recycled Arts Festival), totaling 26 videos highlighting short interviews with natural gardeners in the county and artists who use materials that would have gone to the landfill.
  • Coordinated 19 plots at Florence Wager Community Garden. 
  • Created and published waste reduction blog posts on the Green Neighbors website. 
  • Created social media content for the Green Neighbors accounts. 
  • Presented as a guest speaker at a Neighborhood Association meeting. 
  • Participated in professional development opportunities such as completing a Community-Based Social Marketing training series, a 40-hour Project Management course, a Master Composter Recycler training series, and AmeriCorps/VISTA Leader Corps training. 
A behind-the-scenes look at filming a gardener interview with Cari for the Natural Garden Tour video series. Photo by Shannon Hunter.

Interacting with county residents has been the most fulfilling aspect of my service year. While I spent a lot of time interacting virtually through Zoom events, blog posts and social media outreach, I also had the opportunity to speak with folks in person. I have fond memories chatting with gardeners about natural gardening techniques they implement, such as water conservation, selecting native plants, composting, and not using chemicals. I have been inspired by Recycled Arts Festival artists' ability to create art out of materials that were destined for the landfill and willingness to welcome me into their studio to share their stories. These experiences have contributed to personal and professional growth throughout my service term.

A behind-the-scenes look at filming an artist interview with Leon for a Recycled Arts Festival video series. Photo by Shannon Hunter.

I highly recommend pursuing this position so you can gain experience serving the community and working with kind people. Please reach out to me by email,,if you have any questions!

Our current openings are below. We hope to see your application soon!

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