Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Green Blog

News about our community as it relates to the environment
2 minutes reading time (401 words)

Green Business Spotlight: C-TRAN


C-TRAN has been providing public transportation services to residents of Clark County since 1981. Environmental sustainability has been incorporated into C-TRAN's 50-year vision statement: 

"C-TRAN services contribute positively to the region's sustainability, livability and economic vitality by helping manage traffic congestion, reduce dependence on foreign oil, lower carbon emissions, contain transportation costs for employers and employees, enable denser land use and development of urban areas, and provide essential transport to persons with no other means of travel."

After becoming a certified Clark County Green Business in 2019, C-TRAN was named the recipient of the Clark County Green Business of the Year award in 2021.

C-TRAN's Green Team was founded in 2017 and is an employee led group that drives forward sustainability projects within the company. This group meets monthly and welcomes members across many divisions at the organization. The Green Team brings together employees from Administration, Maintenance, Customer Service and Operations to support sustainable business practices and create green goals.

Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Hybrid bus currently in service in C-TRAN's fleet.

C-TRAN has embraced sustainability in daily operations and with vehicle replacements. Currently more than half of C-TRAN's bus fleet is hybrid diesel-electric vehicles. In 2021 C-TRAN's Board of Directors approved the purchase of eight all-electric buses. These vehicles have been ordered and are expected to arrive in 2023. Electric bus charging stations were installed at the bus yard facility recently in preparation for this exciting change.

New charging stations were recently installed at C-TRAN's bus yard facility, in anticipation of eight battery-electric buses arriving in 2023.

In May 2022 C-TRAN committed to elevating its sustainability efforts and created a goal to form a zero emissions fleet by 2040. C-TRAN brought a consulting firm on board to create an Alternative Fuel Feasibility Study and to work on developing a Zero Emission Bus Transition Plan.

In December 2022, the Zero Emission Bus Transition Plan was presented to the C-TRAN Board of Directors.

"It outlines two main paths that C-TRAN and other transit agencies are exploring in the coming years: battery-electric buses or hydrogen fuel cell buses. Pursuing one or both of these alternative fuel options creates a roadmap for C-TRAN to convert our existing diesel and hybrid fleet to a 100 percent zero-emission fleet by 2040."

- Eric Florip, C-TRAN Manager of Communications and Marketing
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