Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Green Blog

News about our community as it relates to the environment

Setting Out Extras: Tips for Garbage and Recycling


 For Waste Connections garbage, recycling and yard debris/organics customers, road closures or unsafe conditions may cause your service to be postponed or canceled. An automated phone call will be made to notify you of service changes. If service is canceled, Waste Connections will reschedule or pick up a double load on your next service day. Here's what you can do to prepare:

  • Make sure that Waste Connections has your current phone number. Call 360-892-5370, email, or live chat at to make updates to your account.
  • Sign up for service alerts through the RecycleRight app or RecycleRight tool. Type in your address and click on "Get a reminder!"
  • Have a spare container on hand for recycling or garbage in case service is postponed.

Handy tips on how to prepare extra material 

Garbage: If you have more than can fit in your cart, use a spare can if you have one. If you do not have a spare can, set out extra garbage in a covered container or plastic garbage bag on your next regular service day. Double bagging garbage helps to prevent vectors, like birds and raccoons, and wind and rain from causing a mess at the curb.

Recycling: If you have more recycling than will fit in your blue cart, set out extra recycling in a clean and labeled container, cardboard box or paper bag. If possible, set out extra materials like cardboard during dry conditions. Extra recycling is accepted at no extra charge on your regular recycling day throughout the year.

Yard Debris and Organics: Place any food scraps in your organics cart if you subscribe to this service. Food scraps are only accepted in the cart and do not go in extras. If your organics or yard debris cart is full, place extra yard debris (i.e. garden trimmings, grass clippings, vines, branches, leaves, weeds) in a Kraft paper bag, cardboard box, spare labeled can, or bundled at the curb.

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Where does Clark County recycling go?