Green Neighbors Program

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Central-East Vancouver Neighborhood Planting

Saturday, January 13 8:45 am - 1:00 pm

Let's plant trees together in Vancouver! Interested in receiving a tree? Click HERE to purchase a tree for your household. Dozens of large (6-10' tall) trees will be ready for planting in their new homes, and your help is what makes this community planting possible!

Please arrive by 8:45am to sign-in and be assigned a planting crew. The planting starts at 9:00am. We provide gloves, tools, and guidance, as well as light breakfast snacks and coffee/tea/hot chocolate. We ask that all volunteers dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes/boots you don't mind getting dirty, and be ready to have fun!

How do I register? Register by filling out this quick form.  Groups and individuals welcome! If your group is more than 5 people, please know you will be assigned to different planting crews.

Have a pickup truck? We need your help getting these young trees to their planting sites a few blocks away from the central staging site. Please sign up if you're able to help out in this key role. 

Want to plant by bike? This event will have a bike-powered crew. Bring your bike, helmet, and a bike trailer (if you have one), sign-up here.

Under age 18? We request that youth 15 and under volunteer with a parent/guardian.  Youth 16 and older can volunteer on their own and will need to hand us a youth waiver form signed by their parent/guardian.

Private transportation: You will travel from the meeting location to a few planting sites in the nearby neighborhood (up to several miles). We recommend private transportation (bike or vehicle), but there may be an option to carpool if others in your small planting crew are also comfortable with this. 

Where will these trees be planted? In the following neighborhoods: Burton Ridge, DuBois Park, Ellsworth Springs, Evergreen Highlands, Father Blanchet Park, Forest Ridge, Marrion, North Garrison Heights, Northcrest, Northwood, Oakbrook, Old Evergreen Hwy, and Vancouver Heights.

Questions?  Please check out our Volunteer FAQ webpage.  Our team is also happy to assist!  Reach us at We look forward to planting together soon!

This event is in partnership with the City of Vancouver.