Secure Your Load
Help prevent accidents and keep litter off our roadways — keep your load covered and secure while taking it to the transfer station.
Be a Food Waste Hero!
Check out our Food Waste Prevention Podcast, sign up for a Creative Cooking class, and learn more about preventing waste!
Electronics Recycling
Did you know you can recycle your old TVs, computers, laptops, monitors, tablets, e-readers and portable DVD players at no cost? Look up your item in the Recycle A-Z Directory for a list of locations in Clark County!
Household Hazardous Waste
Virtually every home contains products that can be potentially hazardous to people, pets, or wildlife. Learn about safe usage, storage, and disposal here.
Recycling Done Right
Plastic bags and glass are a problem in the blue recycling cart. We need your help! Because you put a lot of effort into recycling, we want to help you do it right.